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Contoh Teks Pidato Tentang Generasi Muda Bahasa Inggris

Pidato adalah kegiatan seseorang dengan maksud menyampaikan berbagai hal secara lisan kepada orang lain disekitarnya. Dengan harapan orang yang mendengarkan itu mengerti dan memahami apa yang disampikan pada saat itu. Ciri khas pidato yaitu menggunakan bahasa sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan apa yang di inginkan jadi tidak mungkin orang seseorang yang tidak cakap. menggunakan bahasa berharap dapat menyampiakan pendapat dan kemauan orang lain untuk cara berpidato. Pidato itu pada dasarnya ucapan yang tersusun dengan baik dn ditunjukkan kepada orang lain atau orang banyak. Pidato dapat dilaksanakan pada upacara bendera, pada pesta keluarga, peringatan hari besar nasional dan keamanan dll..Kumpulan Pidato Lengkap


Pidato juga dikatakan sebagai penyampaian pikiran seca

ra lisan di depan penonton atau pendengar. Tujuan pidato dapat dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:

  • Informatif

Pidato informatif bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar. Berupa petunjuk tentang sesuatu, pengarahan tentang masalah tertentu, dan penjelasan tentang obyek tertentu.

  • Rekreatif

Pidato rekreatif bertujuan untuk menghibur para pendengar. Saat menyampaikan pidato, orator perlu menyelipkan beberapa hiburan, sehingga pidato yang disampaikan dapat tercapai.

  • Persuasif

Tujuan pidato persuasif adalah untuk memengaruhi para pendengar. Pada saat menyampaikan informasi, orator perlu memengaruhi atau mengajak.

Sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat diterima dan dilaksanakan oleh pendengar dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari.


Persiapan pidato

Sebelum berpidato didepan umum ada hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dan siapkan diantaranya adalah

  1. Mengetahui wawasan pendengar pidato secara umum
  2. Mengetahui lama waktu atau durasi pidato yang akan dibawakan.
  3. Menyusun kata-kata yang mudah dipahami dan dimengerti.
  4. Mengetahui jenis pidato melalui tema acara,
  5. Menyiapkan bahan-bahan dan perlengkapan pidato dan lain sebagainya.

Kriteria Berpidato yang Baik

  1. Isinya sesuai dengan apa yang sedang berlangsung
  2. Bermanfaat bagi pendengar
  3. Isinya jelas dan benar serta objektif
  4. Menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti
  5. Tersampaikan secara baik dan benar

Berikut Contoh Pidatonya:


Contoh Teks Pidato Tentang Generasi Muda Bahasa Inggris


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

We respect the father of the principal. What We respect the father guardian class.We respect all our father and teacher mother. Also colleagues that I love.

First of all we are very grateful to God then one of the outpouring of His grace given to us, so that on this auspicious occasion we can gather, air-muwajahah in this place, this happy place.

Colleagues that I love.
We know that youth is a very unstable period. Easily influenced by many factors, both positive and negative. Usually negatiflah factors are more rapidly absorbed by our friends the other. This would adversely impact the future life.

Can we see in various media both print and electronic media, also in real life today.Their behavior is not commendable. This is very unfortunate to us who feel a generation. They’re a pregnant outside of marriage, there are motorcycle gangs involved, there is skipping school so there are drug addicts and others. So that our generation scarred by the behavior of a handful of young people who are not responsible.

My colleagues are proud of.
We as young people who are given the awareness seems to always remind each other of the dangers promiscuity above, the negative association above. Let us not become victims of our own but do not feel that we become victims.

It would have not the time again we are easily tempted and seduced, not the time again we do not have a stance. We must realize that once this life should be used carefully. Do not get us wasted youth is the future then sorry old.

We must have principles in life, we should be independent and able to carry yourself so that’s not us who are victims of age, is not we who are victims of the environment.but let us be the generation which was able to bring change to society.

As the young generation, a lot of potential that we can develop. A lot of potential that we can optimize. Not for anyone but to our own. To the best of us in the future.

My colleagues and ladies and I’m proud.
Let’s time we as the younger generation to rise from sleep and show the world that we are capable. We have something valuable to be reckoned. We make sure that we are not the generation of waste is usually only a burden of parents and the environmental burden.

There are some simple steps that we can do from now on:
first, we learn that every effort be diligent and show the parents that we too can achieve the best value.
second, his best is not carried away by the influence of our friends are happy ditching the other because one day they will feel the consequences. It could be that his children would be like them, and fight hard in the set of parents as they do today.This of course we did not expect.
Third, given the cost it matter how we bend over backwards to be set as well as possible with full responsibility and awareness. Never UNIKO-business conservative deceiving. Since this source that makes us not blessed in the future.
Fourth, find friends hanging out and hanging out in a positive place in both the school and outside school. Relationships we will form our character slowly.
As a student perhaps these four simple steps we can begin practicing today. We determine our own destiny in the future. I therefore advised to colleagues of all let us take advantage of these youth as well as possible so that our future bright.

So that I can convey. We are sorry if there is one word.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


 Contoh Naskah Pidato Singkat dalam Berbagai Tema



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Orang lain juga menelusuri

  • impromptu adalah
  • jelaskan tujuan orang melakukan pidato
  • bagaimana konsep urutan dari isi pidato
  • bagaimana melakukan pidato dengan baik
  • sebutkan langkah-langkah menulis pidato
  • sebutkan metode pidato 
  • contoh pidato lisan
  • contoh pidato tentang lingkungan
  • contoh pidato tentang covid-19
  • contoh pidato perpisahan
  • contoh pidato islami
  • contoh pidato pendidikan
  • contoh pidato yang menarik dan tidak membosankan
  • contoh pidato persuasif



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